OSCAR Subsidies, you could be entitled to  childcare assistance!

Talk to us today to find out more.

New clients

People that are not currently receiving Childcare Assistance and don’t have a client record, will need to go to their local Work and Income service centre to have one created. They will need to take their ID with them.

Alternatively, people can request a client number online: How to get a client number

Once people have their client number, they can follow the application steps on our website: Childcare Subsidy

Existing clients

Clients that do have a client record with Work and Income but are not currently receiving Childcare Assistance can apply:

Online: Childcare – Work and Income

Clients can contact MSD with any queries here

Website: Childcare – Work and Income

Phone: 0800-559-009

Email: Centralised_Childcare_Reviews@msd.govt.nz (client contact only)

  • When completing your Kidsbase Programme booking on kidsbase.aimyplus.com please tick the “apply for an oscar subsidy” box.
  • Kidsbase Management will then receive notification of your request and a new subsidy application form will be sent to you with the OSCAR Provider section already completed.
  • You will then need to complete all the remaining required parent/caregiver sections of this from and send into Work and Income with the requested personal identification (this is a requirement of the application).
Please note that new subsidy applications can take up to 4 weeks to process so we suggest you apply 4 weeks before your Kidsbase booking is due to start.